
(日本語) 当社の研究開発フェロー齊藤誠一がSPEXAで招待講演“宇宙×水産業”を話しました 2024年5月08日

R&D Fellow Dr. Sei-Ichi Saitoh received the Uda Prize of the Oceanographic Society of Japan 2022年9月12日

 Dr. Sei-Ichi Saitoh, R&D fellow and Professor Emeritus of Hokkaido University, received the Uda Prize of the Oceanographic Society of Japan in the fall meeting held in Nagoya University on September 5, 2022. His title of award is “Promotion of oceanographic research and Arctic research using satellite remote sensing”. The Uda Prize Commemorating the late Professor Michitaka Uda, the Uda Prize is awarded to a member of the Society who has contributed notably to the progress in oceanography, by showing remarkable leadership in a research group, or by playing outstanding roles in educational outreach or in technical supports. A few prizes are awarded annually. This is second Uda Award for him, he received another Uda Award of Japanese Society of Fisheries Oceanography (JSFO) in 2014. The JSFO Uda Award was established in 1996 to honor a scientist who had made a significant contribution to the field of Fisheries Oceanography.

(日本語) 当社研究開発フェロー・北海道大学名誉教授の齊藤誠一がロイター者による「世界で最も影響力のある環境科学者1000人」に選ばれました 2021年10月06日

(日本語) 総務省の戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業 (SCOPE)に採択されました(フェーズⅡ) 2021年10月05日

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.

(日本語) 水産会社向け専用水産海洋情報サービスシステムの開発及び情報サービス提供を開始 2021年10月04日

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